The Typical Day of a Sorority House Director

For the record, there's really no typical day in the life of a sorority house director. What I've presented below is the average of my normal days. I've also thrown in a few variations that surround chapter & house events.

One of the interesting things about being a house director is that there isn't much of a set schedule for you to follow. This is good news for my fellow night owls! However, some houses do have requirements that you be present for dinner, or that you open the door for the food deliveryman at 6 am every Tuesday and Thursday. Your board will have more information on this.

Without any further interruptions, my typical day:

8:30: Wake up. Check my phone for emails and text messages and read the overnight news.

8:45: Reluctantly get out of bed and start my first pot of coffee.

9:00: Jump in the shower and hopefully remember to deep condition my hair.

9:15: Get out of shower and respond to emails or return phone calls as needed. If I don't do these, I'll watch the news or reruns of Unsolved Mysteries.

9:45-10:00 or so: Get dressed.

10:00: Open my door so members can stop by if they desire. Continue with emails, go over bills and invoices, work on reports, or other paperwork.

11:30-12:00: Lunch with the sisters
12:00-12:45: Chat with my wonderful cook. Go over menus for the next few weeks, talk about new recipes, go over future food orders, etc.

12:45-5:00: This can be almost anything. I could finish my paperwork from the morning, run errands for the house (Sam's Club is a popular destination), do my laundry, or even go to the salon.

5:00: Dinner with the chapter.

6:00-9:00: Go back to my apartment and watch some TV. I usually keep my door open if anyone needs to stop by and ask me something.

9:00: Lock up the kitchen and turn off unnecessary lights around the main floor.

9:30: Go back to my apartment and shut the door. I'll watch TV or call it an early night.

On weekends I usually keep my door closed and will read, clean, or catch up on Netflix. I have told the members if they need anything they're more than welcome to knock on my door or call/text me. I get one weekend a month off, and I'll go visit my sister or one of my friends. However, I have to arrange another adult to stay at the house with the membership two weeks in advance. The chapter adviser has been really fantastic about covering for me and there's a handful of alumni that have stepped in to cover for me as well.

Another one of my daily duties is accepting packages and distributing the mail when it comes in. It's a good way to learn names. I'll also walk around the house (I call it doing my rounds) to check on things. I usually check to make sure the cleaners are doing their jobs properly and nothing's broken. I highly recommend doing this just as a matter of preventative care. I've also made maintenance forms that the sisters can fill out and slide under my door should they need anything fixed.

Occasionally the sisters will have events in the house, like a philanthropy event. This means the house can be crawling with lord-knows-who. I like to make my presence known during these events to try to prevent troublemakers. It's been working well, if they know you're there they typically won't try to do anything.

Obviously, all sororities have rituals. When these are scheduled, they'll ask me to leave or stay in my apartment. My chapter is nice in the fact that they give me a gift card to the movies and for dinner when this happens, so it's a nice evening out for myself. I will stress that this may not be the same for you. This is a custom for this campus, other groups may get you a hotel for the evening or they may just tell you you're stuck in your apartment for the evening. That being said, they give you advanced warning so you can make your plans accordingly.

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© Sorority House Director
Maira Gall